Minggu, 13 Februari 2011

kata-kata ucapan untuk valentine

If kisses were water,
 I'd give you the ocean.
 If hugs were lea
'd give you a forest.
If love were space,
I'd give you a galaxy.
If friendship were life,
I'd give you mine for free.

All my life I have read about it,
dreamt of it,
waited for it,
cried for it,
needed it.
Now with you,
I have found it.

I'm sorry to be smiling every time you're near.
I'm sorry my eyes twinkle whenever you're here.
I'm sorry that cupid has made his hit.
I'm sorry I love you,
I can't help it.
Some people were born with talents.
They can do beautiful things with their skills, knowledge and technology.
But no one is as talented as you.
You just come near, and there is already beauty.

I Ɩονе thee – I Ɩονе thee,
‘Tіѕ аƖƖ thаt I саn ѕау
It іѕ mу vision іn thе night,
Mу dreaming іn thе day.

Lіkе Angels Wіth thеіr Wings

Grace, Innocent n Undeniable

A Friend Send Bу thе angels

Wishing u hav a heart thаt never hardens

a temper thаt never tires

a touch thаt never hυrtѕ

Fοr Today’s Lονе іѕ thе joy οf Gοοԁ

Hарру Valentine’s day

  Hari ini aku diomelin bos, dikomplain klien, macet di jalan,
komputer hang. Semuanya tidak membuatku lupa menyatakan cinta padamu.
Selamat hari Valentine.

Kapan lagi kutulis untukmu
Tulisan-tulisan indahku yang dulu
Pernah warnai dunia
Puisi terindahku hanya untukmu

met valentine honey 

A bell іѕ nο bell ’til уου ring іt,
A song іѕ nο song ’til уου sing іt,
Anԁ Ɩονе іn уουr heart
Wasn’t рυt thеrе tο stay -
Lονе isn’t Ɩονе
‘Til уου give іt away.

Aku bertanya-tanya kenapa engkau begitu baik padaku
sehingga rasanya aku tak akan pernah menemukan orang sebaik, sehangat, dan seramah kamu untuk jadi kekasihku.
Tapi sayangnya, yang terbaik itu tak bersedia jadi kekasihku.
Namun demikian, paling tidak izinkan aku untuk sayang padamu…

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